Go from B-player to a Fully Autonomous President's Club Rep.

Join 1,000+ top-performing enterprise sellers today.

Over the past 3 years, my enterprise sales community of 750+ top performing reps have shared over 60,000 best practices across 27 essential skills for managing complex deals.

This playbook distills all the top contributions into easy-to-consume, elite-level learnings & systems.

+ 🎁 Bonus Gift - Access 77 premium frameworks designed to simplify & improve your sales career.

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Modern Enterprise Sales Playbook

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Preview of what to expect ...

Preview of Modern Enterprise Sales Playbook

James Thompson here.

17 years in sales and 7 as an enterprise seller. (I still carry a bag)

So, I recognize our job can be filled with highs and lows.

5 years ago, my wife was pregnant with our first and only.

With a baby on the way, I was a still a B-player desperate to learn from the best.

And I remember thinking at that time that there were reps out there playing at a different level.

Reps making $400k+/year while I was struggling to keep positive momentum on mid-market opportunities.

I wanted access to them.

I wanted to pick their brains if something came up in my own deals.

But how?

Then, it hit me...

Start a community 💡

3 years after launch, 750+ reps from around the world have joined.

Some members are beginning their journeys as Enterprise reps while others have been closing $2M+ deals for years.

So, join your tribe today (It's free after 2 years of charging a membership fee).

What do you have to lose?

Support this collective by grabbing my newly published Modern Enterprise Sales Playbook above.

This playbook highlights all the top best practices shared in our enterprise sales community across 27 vital skillsets in a neatly organized, digestible fashion.

Purchases of my playbook support the costs of the community.

Finally, if you purchase the playbook, I'll donate $25 to your favorite charity.

(DM me after purchase via Linkedin to share your favorite charity with me).

Thanks for reading!

James Thompson

Meet members of our community.

"Enterprise Sales Society is the BEST place to network with seasoned professionals, offering collaboration, deal coaching, best practices, webinars, and advice on all things sales. Join this community!"

- Renee Martin, Strategic Account Director

"This group is changing my world. I just began a $160k deal and the videos you posted gave me insight on how to frame my discovery. Thank you!!"

- Sarah Bugden, Enterprise AE

"Join the group! Great minds in there. It’s like a private mastermind for high performing reps across multiple industries, serving a variety of clients. You can gain tactics + frameworks, and advice"

- David Lindner, Enterprise AE

"I’m winning being a part of this community, appreciative of the connection, opportunity to network and learn. Thank you for gathering all of us professionals! We’re all better for it."

- Abby Abreu, Global Strategic AE

"This community is so awesome and the most helpful thing I've been part of in years! There is a wealth of knowledge shared and being able to learn from those who are more experienced and improve with that guidance is huge!" 😎

- Kimara Moodley, Director of Sales

"If you are not in Enterprise Sales Society, you have no idea what you are missing. This is a great group to join."

- Roland Kelly, Senior Enterprise AE

"I am stoked James Thompson started this. I was part of his sales community two years ago and it was packed with value!"

- Danny James, Enterprise AE

"What you are providing is valuable to Ent AEs - funding alerts, who is interviewing/hiring are so topical as many AEs face layoffs due to the markets, sales cycle, tools and pro tips, etc. I learn so much from being a member."

- Morgan Lim, 20-year Enterprise Sales Rep Veteran

"Great to know there are others out there and great to have a community. I also love being able to share the tips I come across."

- Jennifer Juckett, Enterprise AE

"In the short amount of time I’ve been a part of it, I’ve learned some things that helped with my sales process, interviewing. 10/10 recommend!"

- Melissa Moritz, Strategic AE

"I joined the community to 'Sharpen the Saw' so to speak... I’ve been part of this community for a couple of months now and quickly realized how far behind I’m in my journey.

- Kiranraj Govindaraj, Enterprise AE

"This is one heck of a community. Huge resource, great collection of like-minded people."

- Steve Rudolph, Enterprise AE

"I joined the community recently and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the discussions and content shared! Nothing like any other similar projects I've seen before."

- Angelo Ceolin, Enterprise AE

"Shout out to James Thompson for creating our peer group. It is amazing the amount of information I have received from some of the top SaaS sales professionals in the business.

- Larry Head, Senior Partner Sales Executive